
What is Hypnotherapy?
Research shows that our conscious mind controls only 10% of our daily behavior. By working directly with the highly influential unconscious mind, Cognitive Hypnotherapy can help create lasting changes to your life by enabling your conscious and unconscious minds to work in harmony together. Cognitive Hypnotherapy integrates neuroscience, cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnotherapy, as well as Ericksonian methods and Gestalt approaches to create a fast, effective and self empowering way to address your specific concerns. Hypnotherapy is a complimentary therapy which uses hypnosis, a technique that puts you a deeply relaxed and focused mind/body state. My use of this approach is based on a comprehensive initial assessment, including psychological testing to determine your individual needs.
We will look to uncover the psychological source of your problem and will then use hypnotherapy techniques to neutralize the behaviors, beliefs and thought processes at the root of your problem, effectively altering the way you approach and respond to it within daily life.
How is Hypnotherapy different from other Therapies?
Like other psychological therapies such as counseling you will be free to talk about and explore your issues with me within a safe, non-judgmental environment. However, although many people may find counseling sessions helpful to gain an understanding of the underlying experiences and psychological factors that have contributed to their problems, they may find seeking solutions more challenging. For example, you may understand the psychological reasons why you emotionally eat and the steps you should take to stop doing so. However the stresses and strains of the real world may mean that you find your will power failing when the urge to emotionally eat arises, so you may not be able to follow through on the promises you made to yourself. Because hypnotherapy works on an unconscious level, the emotional eater may find their cravings no longer exist to be tested, should trying circumstances arise.
Hypnotherapy can be used in conjunction with or instead of traditional psychotherapy. With my training in hypnotherapy at UCLA, the Mind-Body training Herbert -Benson Institute at Harvard University , as well as regression training with Brian Weis MD, together we can develop a plan to suit your needs.
Call me for an appointment today at 314-644-3339.