Sexting Addiction
Cybersex offers a distraction to cope with negative thoughts or problems in one’s life. Unpleasant feelings such as stress, depression, loneliness, fear, and anxiety can trigger sexting. Sexting can then provide a temporary escape into pleasurable feelings. However, over time a habit can develop into a compulsive obsession which often leads to relationships or careers that are jeopardized.
There is a cycle to addictions that is important to understand:

- Do you have a problem with online or phone sexting addiction?
- Answer “yes” or “no” to the following statements to evaluate yourself in this area :
- Do you feel obsessed with using online communications for sex?
- Have you found yourself repeatedly communicating in an anonymous manner to engage in sexual fantasies?
- Do you expect to find sexual arousal and/or satisfaction in the course of your next online session?
- Have you progressed from cybersex to phone sex or even face to face meetings?
- Have you kept your online interactions a secret from your significant other?
- Does your online use of cybersex cause you to experience a sense of guilt or shame?
- Do you consistently engage in sexting and instant messaging with the main purpose of your search to find cybersex?
- While participating in cybersex, did you find you felt unexpectedly aroused, and as a result find that you purposely now search for it online?
- When looking at online pornography, do you masturbate?
- Has cybersex become your preferred form of sexual gratification, more so than your sexual partner in real life?
If you answered “yes” to more than one of the above questions, you may be addicted to online and /or phone sexting. I provide counseling to deal with phone or online sexting through adult web sites, chat sites, cam sites, VOIP, and tactile stimulation devices. With this technology so widely available, more people have come to realize their initial curiosity has turned into an addiction. By clicking on Tests, you can learn whether any other related issues that you are experiencing merit further attention. You will also find an Internet Addiction test on the Tests page.
If you or someone you know is struggling with sexting, it may be time to get addiction therapy to confront issues around sexting behavior. I have experience with working with this addiction as well as with a range of other additions and we can develop a unique plan that fits your particular situation. I am ready to help.
Call me at 314-644-3339 for a 15 minute free phone consult to further discuss your problem and decide if therapy is right for your situation.
Learn More :
Alcohol and Drug Addiction
Substance and Behavioral Addictions